Toy Directory Monthly selects Parent Dolls to the 2011 Top 10 List of Best New Toys.

Madison loves her Parent Doll, her eyes really light up when she hears my voice. (Carol K. Mill Valley, CA)

It's a security blanket for me too. I find great comfort in the fact that while I'm away putting food on the table Bill Jr. recognizes me even more when I come home. Elmo's out and Daddy's in. (William R. Garland, TX)

If I could keep only one of my daughter's toys I'd empty the toy box and keep her Parent Doll. This is the only toy that gives me the say so in what kind of values and ideas that I instill when I can't be there. It's very empowering to speak directly to Emily and sing the songs that she connects most to. Right now she likes Wheels on the Bus next month it'll probably be something different. Around our house it's constantly changing and now I'm prepared, poor pitch and all. To the outside world I couldn't sing my way out of a paper bag but to my daughter I'm the cat's meow and I sing just the way she likes it. (Angie P. Tiburon, CA)

Hair Color Skin Color  
Gentleman $39.95
  Mom Soldier (Sold Out)
  Dad Soldier (Sold Out)
  Please Note: Outfits, Hair Color and Skin Color variations exist between current   inventory lots. Dark Skin with Blonde Hair and Dark Skin with Red Hair are not   available.

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